Flying Car

Might make hitch hiking a little difficult. But what the hey. Lets mass produce them. All the pieces are there for it to be achieved and have been for probably the last 40 years or later.

Technology that can propel future flying cars is already here

(Natural News) The publication of several unusual patents credited to the Navy three years ago caught the attention of many due to the seemingly radical and unconventional claims found within them.

These patents included technologies such as a “high temperature superconductor,” a “high frequency gravitational wave generator,” a force field-like “electromagnetic field generator,” a “plasma compression fusion device” and a hybrid aerospace/underwater craft featuring an “inertial mass reduction device.” They seem to describe potential building blocks of a flying car.

The patents are authored by Dr. Salvatore Pais and approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Pais is an aerospace engineer who formerly worked at the Naval Air Station and is currently working in the United States Space Force.

Chris Beskar, Stavatti Aerospace founder and CEO, said as an aircraft manufacturer what they can do is to ask permission to license those patents and get the rights to make technologies based on those patents. He added that they already reached out to the Navy.

According to Beskar, his company has used advanced technologies developed by universities, the Navy, Air Force and National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He noted that when the government pays you to do something, the government owns the technology.

“The government will try to find commercial benefit, and there are companies that can commercialize the technology,” he said. “So from our perspective, the best thing to do when confronted with that technology is to license it, to follow the recipe that’s put forth in the patent, to work with the inventor and try to do something with that technology.”

Stavatti wants to develop affordable hover cars

Stavatti wants to develop affordable hover cars that use gravitational propulsion. Beskar said his company’s goal is to create a vehicle that does not create a loud noise.

“As a technology goal, Stavatti is very focused on a future in which we have these personal air vehicles that are using an advanced technology to take off and land vertically be it inertial propulsion, levitation or anti-gravity,” Beskar said.

He added that advanced propulsion is something that can be achieved and the Navy patents are very exciting because they point toward fusion cores like Lockheed Skunkworks’ controlled nuclear fusion. Beskar mentioned that a long-range, high-speed bomber that can fly at Mach 8 needs a different propulsion system and that is where atomic or nuclear propulsion is needed.

“It is our job to follow the lead and pursue that level of advanced technology and see where it gets us. This technology will lead to a world that is borderless,” he said.

The Stavatti CEO noted that having a personal aircraft that can take off and land vertically and allows you to travel at 200 to 300 miles an hour over long distances would enable a person to live and work differently. He added that this opens up life in the country where a person can have a minimum footprint that is not destroying the environment or upsetting the local community. (Related: Are futuristic flying cars really better for the environment?)

For example, he said, a person that lives on an island in the middle of nowhere can still have better access to the world through a hover car.

Beskar also talked about the collision avoidance technology, which would protect humans from being hurt in hover vehicles. He said it is a sensor technology in a vehicle that can fly more under a computer controlled state, but with manual backup.

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